The Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Programs are Medicaid Waiver Programs that provide services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. High Soaring Eagle Center, Inc. provides HCS and TxHmL services to individuals and their families in Dallas and Ellis counties. Our mission is to help individuals and their families select and use the available resources designed to support adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Texas Home Living is a Medicaid waiver program that provides selected essential services and supports to Texans with an intellectual and developmental disability or related condition so that they can continue to live in the community. TxHmL services are intended to supplement rather than replace services received from other programs.
Our Services
Case Manager
Day Habilitation
Host Home/Companion Care
Adaptive Aids
Specialized Therapies
Dental Treatment
Skilled Nursing
Respite Care
Behavior Supports
Minor Home Modifications
Dietary Services
Community First Choice
Home and Community-Based Services is one of the largest Medicaid waiver programs that provide services to individuals who have a diagnosis of IDD or a related condition. Recipients must be Medicaid eligible and live in their family home or their own home.